Marburg BoneBank
The indications for the use of this solution are: prosthesis replacement, deformation correction, multi-fragmented and fragmented fractures, bone loss due to infection, pseudo-joint, interbody fusions, post-traumatic reconstructive surgery, endoprosthesis surgery, spine surgery and tumor surgery.
The system deactivates viruses: HIV 1, HIV 1/0, HIV 2, HTLV, CMV, CPV (model virus for HPV B 19 / Hepatitis B), BVDV (model virus for Hepatitis C), syphilis, Zika virus, bacterial infectious agents.
Marburg Bonebank reduces the fat content of the graft and preserves the biomechanical and biological properties of the graft.
The system has been approved by the Federal Institute of Vaccines and Biomedical Medicines named after Paul Ehrlich (PEI).
Main advantages
- Safe and profitable transplant
- Easy extraction of the graft as “waste tissue” during the primary hip replacement
- Production, processing and storage of the graft in hospital (local) bone banks
- A second donor test is not necessary
- Simple intraoperative application
- No need for quarantine storage
Discover more
If you would like to speak to our team about our Marburg BoneBank product, please get in touch.